Monthly Archives: May 2010
Another additional print-run of L’Ultimo Libro
After the initial print-run of 10,000 copies of the Italian edition of The Last Book was sold out in just over a month, an additional print-run followed in early March. Only two months later the time has come for the second additional print-run. L’Ultimo Libro is now one of TEA’s bestselling titles…
Two Impossible Stories covers
Here are the covers of Impossible Stories – the second volume of Zoran Zivkovic’s collected prose works. Two editions, in Serbian and English, will be published by Zavod in late June. Last October Zavod brought out the first volume – Novels.
Impossible Stories comprises 11 mosaic-novels: Time Gifts, Impossible Encounters, Seven Touches of Music, The Library, Steps through the Mist, Four Stories till the End, Twelve Collections, The Bridge, Miss Tamara the Reader, Amarcord and Compartments – a total of 70 stories and novellas (over 280,000 words).