Breaking news from Italy

After the initial print-run of 10,000 copies of the Italian edition of The Last Book is nearly sold out in just over a month, it’s publisher, TEA, is about to reprint the book. The Last Book was on the bestseller list for three consecutive weeks in February and got numerous very favorable reviews in the Italian media.

Breaking news from Japan


Kurodahan Press is honored to publish five books by Serbian author Zoran Zivkovic in English. These English-language editions will join our upcoming Japanese-language collection, helping to introduce this world-class writer more fully to the Japanese reader. The five books are:

The set will be published in a uniform edition of large-size paperbacks, available worldwide from distributors including Ingram (North America) and Bertrams (UK), as well as Espresso and Amazon worldwide.

In 2010 Kurodahan Press is publishing the first collection of Zoran Zivkovic’s stories in Japanese, offering three of his finest works in a single introductory volume for the Japanese audience: “The Fire,” “Hole in the Wall,” and “The Teashop.”

Kurodahan Press was established in 2003 as a publisher specializing in translated literature, with a strong commitment to the literature of East Asia. It has published numerous works of Japanese literature in English translation, and this year will begin publishing outstanding works from other languages in Japanese.
See our Web site for additional information: Kurodahan Press

The Last Book on the Italian bestseller list

The Last Book on the “Tutto Libri” (“La Stampa”) bestseller list:








Italian interviews and reviews of The Last Book

An interview with Zoran Zivkovic is just posted on Infinite Storie.

”Il Papiro“ è il nome di una raffinata libreria, le cui titolari Vera e Olga fanno di tutto per mettere a proprio agio i clienti. Silenzio, tranquillità, scaffali ricchi di titoli capaci di soddisfare lettori appassionati e molto esigenti, poltrone su cui accomodarsi per meglio pendere visione dei volumi. Questo quadro idilliaco viene sconvolto il giorno in cui l’anziano professor Predrag Todorović , cliente abituale, viene trovato morto su una delle poltrone della libreria. Ma a morire non sarà solo lui. Per l’ispettore di polizia Dejan Lukić, incaricato di svolgere le indagini, si apre un caso all’apparenza irrisolvibile. L’unico indizio su cui lavorare e che accomuna le vittime è il fatto che tutte stavano leggendo lo stesso libro, e che la loro morte sembra non avere alcuna causa naturale. L’attenzione dell’ispettore si concentra quindi su questo introvabile libro, sospettato di essere misteriosamente in grado di uccidere. Ma sarà tutt’altro che facile fare chiarezza. Anche perché l’ispettore ha una strana sensazione, una sorta non tanto di déjà vu, quanto piuttosto di déjà lu. Abbiamo rivolto all’autore, il serbo Zoran Živković, alcune domande sul suo primo romanzo tradotto in Italia, L’ultimo libro.

The whole interview can be found here.

Another launch of Novels

Another launch of Novels—the first volume of the two volume set of Zoran Zivkovic’s collected prose works brought out both in Serbian and English by the Zavod Publishers—took place in the prestigious Belgrade Aero Club. Predrag Ejdus was reading Zivkovic’s story “The Train,” Marina Nenadovic was playing Bach and Debussy, while Prof. Aleksandar Jerkov was discussing Zivkovic’s prose opus.

The launch of the Italian edition of The Last Book

I spent two very dynamic and memorable days in Milan for the occasion of the launch of the Italian edition of The Last Book, brought out by the prestigious TEA. I did as much as 18 interviews and had 3 photo sessions.

A devilish Sherlock Holmes…

A creative writing professor surrounded by his students at the end of the winter semester in a somewhat informal and relaxed atmosphere…

A creative writing professor properly punished for his too high expectations regarding two winter semester themes: “The Devil meets a Writer” and “A Sherlock Holmes pastiche.” Serves him right…