Silence Without review of The Fourth Circle

An entirely fascinating view of my novel The Fourth Circle:

The story is comprised of individual streams which, at first, appear to have nothing in common. An individual walking on an empty planet. An AI in a remote temple in a wild jungle. Echoes of historical figures; Archimedes, Nikolas Tesla, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A species of spheres. A giant ring of living electricity in space. Poor frightened painter’s assistant. Some streams uncurl for the length of the book, others surfacing only briefly to counterpoint those coming before and following after. There are familiar things unfurled, exotic things, exciting things, whimsical things, ordinary things, odd things, and for some time each of these fragments appear unrelated to the others. They are in different times and different places with no hope of ever crossing, so how then do the threads tie together?

Each vignette is a masterpiece on its own, however. At the end of each chapter, I was equal parts joy at returning to a stream, and irritation at departing from the last. They are all of them utterly fascinating, beautifully crafted and with such diversity that there is no chance for the reader to get tired, or become glutted on the book. With the constant contrast and variety, every chapter is something new and refreshing.

Click for the full review.

PS Publishing updates

It has just been announced that agent John Jarrold has sold World English-language limited-edition rights for Zoran’s new novel The Ghostwriter to Peter Crowther of PS Publishing in the UK; the book is scheduled for publication in 2010. This is in addition to Impossible Stories 2 (another mega-collection that will gather together Compartments, Four Stories Till the End, and Amarcord), as well as the full-length novel Escher’s Loops, both of which will be published by PS later in 2009.

With these recent developments, I thought it would be a good idea to update everyone on Zoran’s other titles at PS Publishing, both current and forthcoming.

The Writer, The Book, The Reader: collection, mid-2009 (forthcoming)

The Bridge: novella, early 2009 (now available!)

The Last Book: novel, March 2008

Twelve Collections and the Teashop: double-novella, June 2007

Impossible Stories: mega-collection, April 2006 (low stock, only 10 copies or less!)

PS UK English edition PS UK English edition
PS UK English edition PS UK English edition PS UK English edition

What this means is that as of 2010, with the only exceptions of The Fourth Circle and Hidden Camera, PS Publishing will have released all of Zoran’s fiction to date in English, either individually or collected in mega-collections, all of which are beautifully produced. This is quite a remarkable achievement, and something to be celebrated.

:-Jason Erik Lundberg, webmaster